PinnedLet’s Bypass SSL Pinning By Manual ModificationSSL Pinning is the trickiest part when doing penetration testing for android application target. You may hear of frida, objection, and…Mar 17, 20211Mar 17, 20211
PinnedEasy Way to Bypass SSL Pinning with Objection & Frida [Beginner Friendly]After creating an article “Let’s Bypass SSL Pinning By Manual Modification”, I’ve thought of making an easy way for beginner in learning…Aug 29, 20222Aug 29, 20222
Building XSSHunter(Latest) with Docker and Cloudflare ProxyGuide to setup XSSHunter latest with Docker and clouflare proxy. Cloudflare for DDoS protection, IP masking, and whitelist IP admin panel.Mar 31Mar 31
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Setup Android Pentest Lab without Physical DeviceAre you interested in exploring the field of Android penetration testing but lacking on physical device? This guide will explain how to set…Mar 7, 2024Mar 7, 2024
Malware Analysis Lab in ESXi: Isolated NetworkAs you may be aware, performing malware analysis requires a secure and isolated network environment. This is because malware can…Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Published inSemalam BerceritaJangan Takut Untuk Memulai Belajar BerbicaraBukannya setiap orang memang bisa berbicara, An? Pastinya. Tetapi pada ruang dan waktu yang terdefinisikan. Sehingga menjadikan sebagian…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Published inSemalam BerceritaMelihat Sisi Lain dari SesuatuSegala sesuatu yang akan atau telah kita lihat adalah bagian dari sebuah perspektif. Entah itu menjadi fatamorgana atau biasan semata. Yang…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Published inSemalam BerceritaKetakutan Hanya Ada Dalam ImajinasiTidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa setiap manusia hidup memiliki rasa takut dalam dirinya yang masing-masing tentu berbeda. Baik yang tersembunyi…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Effectively Obtaining .ipa Files for iOS Pentesting from the App StoreDuring pentesting or bug bounty hunting, it is sometimes necessary to analyze an iOS app that is available in the App Store. However, in…Dec 24, 20221Dec 24, 20221
SmashTheTux — Chapter 0x00 — Basic Buffer Overflow & Ret2libcSmasTheTux is Vulnerable VM hosted by VulnHub and created by CanYouPwnMeOct 19, 2022Oct 19, 2022